Professor Sir David Klenerman
David Klenerman's research is focused on developing and applying biophysical methods to biological and biomedical problems. His work using fluorescence and scanning probe microscopy has provided new insights into a variety of biomolecular complexes as well as the processes of protein folding and misfolding. David has also developed techniques to image individual protein complexes on the surface of living cells to follow the processes occurring as the adaptive immune response is triggered. These methods are now being used to study neurodegenerative disease.
David is a research fellow at the Royal Society, a fellow at the Academy of Medical Sciences and a fellow at Christ's College.
Dr Georg Meisl
Georg is a postdoctoral researcher developing mathematical models of protein aggregation and neurodegenerative disease. He received his Msc in Chemistry and his PhD in biophysical Chemistry from the University of Cambridge. Following this, he was a Ramon Jenkins Rese...
Janice Kim
Janice is a PhD student investigating protein aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease, with a focus on tau aggregation in relation t...
Kailai Xiong
Kelly is a PhD student working on using single-molecule methods to study the role of misfolded protein aggregates in neurodegen...
Yuhao Cui
Yuhao is a PhD student working on single molecule studies of Toll-like receptor 4 signalling pathway. Prior to joining the Klen...